Personality in Culture Issue №1(1) December 2023

Yuri Butsko: composer, teacher, thinker


Svetlana V. Lukerchenko– lecturer at the Department of Music Theory, State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov.
State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, Moscow, Russia,, ORCID: 0009-0005-9399-5194


The article characterizes the artistic and aesthetic views and creativity of Yuri Markovich Butsko (1938–2015), as a composer with a pronounced personality; as a teacher who brought up several generations of musicians; as a talented researcher of Russian music. In Butsko's work three most important imagery and semantic spheres can be singled out, which were present even in his early period: the first may be linked to the national folklore tradition; the second to Russian literary and musical classics, the third to the Orthodox faith, prayer and hymns.


aesthetic and artistic principles of Butsko as a composer, originality of creative method and style, link to national church, folklore traditions and Russian literary and musical classics


1. Monolog dushi. Boris Tishchenko: dokumental'nyy fil'm / rezhissery I. Chaplina, T. Andreeva. Sankt-Peterburg: GTRK «Sankt-Peterburg» [Monologue of the soul. Boris Tishchenko: documentary film / directors I. Chaplina, T. Andreeva. St. Petersburg: State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company «St. Petersburg»]. 2009.

2. Slonimskiy S. M. Burleski, elegii, difiramby v prezrennoy proze [Burlesques, elegies, dithyrambs in despicable prose]. Saint Petersburg, 2019. 152 p.

3. Kuznetsov I. K. Sovremennyy obraz staroy Rusi (O polifonicheskom iskusstve Yuriya Butsko) [The modern image of old Rus' (On the polyphonic art of Yuri Butsko)] // Muzykal'naya akademiya, 2008. № 3. P. 20–31.

4. Butsko Yu. M. Kompozitor i fol'klor [Composer and folklore] // Interv'yu s Yu. M. Butsko // Sayt fonda Yuriya Butsko [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:'klor (data obrashcheniya: 02.02.2023).

5. Butsko A. Yu. Religiya i staroobryadchestvo dlya nego vsegda byli, pomimo vsego prochego, elementom esteticheskim [Religion and the Old Believers for him have always been, among other things, an aesthetic element] [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 12.02.2023).

6. Butsko Yu. M. Ot avtora // Butsko Yu. M. Polifonicheskiy kontsert: devyatnadtsat' kontrapunktov na temy russkogo znamennogo raspeva. Partitura [From the author // Butsko Yu. M. Polyphonic concert: nineteen counterpoints on themes of Russian Znamenny chant. Score]. Moscow, 1992.

7. Kholopov Yu. K ponyatiyu sovetskaya muzyka [On the concept of Soviet music] // Otechestvennaya muzykal'naya kul'tura XX veka. K itogam i perspektivam. Nauch. - publitsist. sbornik. Moscow, 1993. 220 p.

8. Potemkina N. A. «Kanon Angelu Groznomu i Voevode». Oratoriya № 3 [«Canon to the Angel the Terrible and the Voivoda». Oratorio No 3] [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL:№-3 (data obrashcheniya: 08.02.2023).

Received: 03.10.2023

Accepted: 06.11.2023

Issue №1(1) December 2023
